
What’s a recent random act of kindness you’ve done for someone?

Paul Stamets famously says in ‘DOSED: The Trip of a Lifetime’ that magic mushroom experiences make people kinder. And it turns out scientific evidence indeed suggests that cultivating positive attitudes and behaviors can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental well-being. 

Studies have shown that chronic anger and hostility is linked to higher levels of inflammation and weakened immune systems, both of which can contribute to a variety of health issues including heart disease and stroke. Holding onto feelings of anger and hatred can also have negative psychological effects, such as increased stress and anxiety, and decreased life satisfaction and overall well-being.

There is also scientific evidence to suggest that being kind and having a warm-hearted attitude can be beneficial for a person’s health. Acts of kindness and compassion have been shown to produce positive physiological changes in the body, including increased levels of the hormone oxytocin, which is associated with social bonding and relaxation. Kindness can also reduce the body’s stress response, leading to lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, and promote a more positive mood. People who engage in regular acts of kindness and have warm-hearted personalities may have better social support networks and stronger relationships, which can lead to better mental health outcomes and reduced risk of depression and anxiety.

Our film ‘DOSED: The Trip of a Lifetime’ follows one woman’s journey as one of the first people in decades to receive legal access to psychedelics. The film’s Academy Award-qualifying theatrical tour will debut on April 21, 2023. Watch the first teaser trailer and see screenings times for more info. Scroll below to sign up to our mailing list – and hit the buttons to share to your socials!